Tablets for Sales Consultants: A Powerful Tool for All Stakeholders

As the 2013 industry tradeshows have indicated, security technology is changing faster than ever! With manufacturers pumping out more “cool” features for interactivity, cloud access, active management and multi-device support, security sales consultants now have many more captivating solutions to present to potential customers. The catch, however, is that faster technology evolutions also make it more difficult for consultants to stay on top of their product lines and apply them appropriately in their real-world applications. Since most industry sales represent a partnership between security dealers, manufacturers and monitoring centers, it’s important that these stakeholders step up and begin creating more relevant, dynamic resources that guide “in the field” consultants toward appropriate client solutions and increased sales.

The Showcase Challenge:

A simple yet often overlooked problem: how do security consultants showcase these new technologies when they are at client meetings? It’s difficult to verbally portray an interactive web portal and traditional leave-behinds like brochures and emailed PDF files are nearly as useless.

Showcase Solution:

Today’s security consultants need to be armed with tablets for every meeting. Tablets are small enough (and have enough battery life!) to be utilized all day, yet powerful enough to demonstrate the advanced technologies that companies now offer. A consultant expertly wielding a tablet during a customer meeting leaves a major impression and reinforces the tech-savvy, progressive culture security companies want to represent.

The Demonstration Challenge:

“Here’s your bow…go shoot a bull’s-eye!” Like an archer needs arrows, security consultants need useful resources for their tablets to make them effective selling tools. It’s important to consider how consultants are going to be demonstrating new technologies on their tablets: Are they going to bring up the manufacturer’s website? Are they going to perform a live demo with installed equipment? Are they going to show off those same boring PDF files instead of waiting to email them after the meeting?

Demonstration Solution:

For those of us who’ve experienced that heart-stopping moment when poor cell signal, a bad WiFi connection or inexplicable (extraterrestrial??) technical difficulties derail a live demo and potentially the meeting altogether, a “canned” demonstration offers an appealing alternative. These pre-loaded user simulations demonstrate the actual platform / technology without being dependent on meeting conditions. Additionally, they can be setup to be “guided” so the security consultant can simply click through while the demonstration emphasizes the important features–perfect for new products and services consultants are less familiar with.

The Context Challenge:

It’s a common occurrence: a security consultant zips through a demonstration and concludes that the new technology is earth-shatteringly awesome while the potential customer nods passively (and probably never calls back). By being “in the know” regarding security advancements, consultants can fall into the trap of emphasizing the newest IP camera images or smartphone app without properly focusing on the tangible benefits to the customer.

Context Solution:

Presentations! New-school platforms allow for the transformation of old-school bullet points into dynamic, engaging presentations easily playable on tablets. By discussing common challenges and issues with the client beforehand, consultants can emphasize the real-world benefits these new technologies offer. Suddenly, that smartphone app or access management system looks a lot more compelling to the potential customer.
Technology advancements demand new meeting tools for security consultants, but it’s equally important that security stakeholders produce useful resources that take advantage of those tools. Once consultants’ tablets are loaded with the manufacturer’s dynamic product demonstration, the monitoring center’s quick-hitting highlight of services and their own company’s competitive advantage presentation, they will be much better prepared to convert the sale and offer a superior security solution for their client.

Call to Action:

Review how your company showcases,demonstrates and provides context for the new technologies you offer to potential customers. If you or your industry partners need help developing these resources, we’d be happy to help you start WOW-ing your audiences today!


To see examples of our work, check out our portfolio page!