Check out our new Prezi Portfolio page!

The last 12 months have been very exciting here at Puffingston! We’ve gotten to work with a variety of awesome clients on all types of presentations—with the majority of them utilizing the dynamic presentation platform Prezi.

To showcase some of those exciting projects, we’ve released a brand new portfolio page featuring a Prezi video compilation, presentation screenshots and embedded prezis for you to check out.

And since presentations don’t just happen via the traditional computer plus projector combination anymore, we’ve made sure to include examples of tablet and website-based presentations on the portfolio page as well. Being able to produce presentations for our clients on a variety of platforms is one of the capabilities we pride ourselves on!

Speaking of tablets, we’re definitely noticing an increased demand for presentations on tools like the iPad—typically from sales and business consultants who give presentations regularly but have audiences that range from one person to hundreds. For those small group meetings, an iPad-ready presentation can give them that edge they need—so make sure to check out some of our Puffingston iPad presentations on the showcase page.

Check out the new portfolio page by clicking here!

Thanks again for your interest in Puffingston Presentation Design and make sure to subscribe to our updates and follow our blog to keep track of all our exciting presentation projects!